Archive for the ‘ Sumandu News ’ Category

We’re BACK! Missed Us? + Updates + New Profiles + FAQ Page? + JOIN OUR CHAT ROOM COMMUNITY!

Hey you guys! Just wanted to let you know that SuMandu and I, Jomarie, are BACK! My hiatus of three weeks is now over, and sadly I have a lot of K-Pop news to catch up on -_-” But I guess that’s what I deserve.

As I’ve mentioned before, SuMandu is back also, and she’s here to help me out. Why not say hi to her?

Anyways, here’s what has been updated.

  • I added fan club names and colors to the “Fan Club Names & Colors” page. Check it out! I added the fan club names of F.Cuz, Dalmatian,  Davichi, Lee Seung Gi, Ast’ 1, V.O.S, Kim Jong Kook, Paran, Younha, SM the Ballad, Lee Minho (Actor), Kim Bum (Actor), Jang Geun Seuk, Kim So Eun, JYJ and HoMin. I also added the club colors for V.O.S and Paran.

Fan Club Names & Colors

  • I added SHINee’s debut performance date to the “Debuts” page. It is May 25, 2008.


  • I added more info about idols who switched companies under the “Switched Idol Trainees” page. I added info about Kahi from After School, Hyorin from SISTAR, and Kwangmin and Youngmin from Boyfriend on this page.

Switched Idol Trainees:

  • I added Jeongmin and Hyeonseong’s heights on the Boyfriend profile.

Boyfriend Profile:

  • I changed Kyuhyun’s height on the Super Junior profile. I also changed the positions of the Suju members. 

Super Junior Profile:

  • I added to Onew’s interests on the SHINee profile that he likes to eat chicken.

SHINee Profile:

  • I changed Doojoon, Yoseob and Junhyung’s pictures under the B2ST profile. I also changed the group picture.

B2ST Profile:

Also, I created two new profiles. Check ’em out!

Adding to that, I have decided to create a new “FAQ” page. I’m currently working on it as I speak right now…so any future questions you might have, check the FAQ page to see if your question had already been asked and answered. Wish me luck!

Last but not least, I have decided to create a new chat room for you lovely followers of SuMandu, The Kpop Guru. But here’s the catch – this chat room community only works for people who have an iTouch, iPhone or Android. So if you don’t have one, I’m sorry! You can’t join the chat room. 😦 However, for those of you that DO have one, here’s what you need to do to join.

  1. Go to your app store and download the free app “textPlus” (If you already have this application, then you don’t need to download it again.)
  2. After the app has finished downloading, create your own profile. 
  3. Once your profile is set to the way you like it, go to the tab “Communities” on the bottom of the screen and click on it. 
  4. Go to the search bar on top and search for the community “SUMANDU” and click on it. 
  5. Click “Become a member” and TADA! You are now ready to chat with fellow K-Pop lovers. Enjoy!

Other important news:

  • I put Bekah as a former member of After School, since she is no no longer a part of AS. T_T Also, I changed E-Young’s picture as well as Lizzy’s.

After School Profile:

  • I added Kan Mi Youn’s agency to the “Agencies & Record Labels” page.

Of course if anything AT ALL –  any page, profile or update – is wrong, don’t hesitate to let us know. It will be fixed right away. Thanks!

Alright you guys, so that’s it for today. Sorry for the long hiatus, but I’m back and ready to update once more. Dont’ forget that the original guru, Sumandu, is here as well….and happy K-Pop lovin’ to you all. Buh byes for now! (:

– Jomarie


i am truly sorry about there being absolutely no updates lately, and i haven’t been doing much at all. my life is a very big mess right now, and to try to keep up with site is really hard and causes much stress. right now, i just can’t handle it. i have no idea when i will be back to be honest. and i’m very sorry. my heart is not in it now, and i won’t have anything with much quality if i tried to make another profile. this deeply saddens me because i know how much people depend on this site, and i’m letting all those people down, but i need to focus on me right now, and it would mean a lot if you all respect that.

while i’m gone, HELP would be the most beautiful thing. contact me at, if you want to join the team. all you need is a love and appreciation for ALL kpop and EVERYONE in kpop (so i you’re anti-whatever, please don’t apply) and some basic English skills so we can talk to each other.

once again, i’m sorry for this inconvenience  and please don’t stop loving the site! i love you all, and i hope to return in the near future  ❤

with my deepest love, Sujung.

The Top 5!

This week’s top picks are~

1. Come Back You Bad Person, Kahi

2. The Story Only I Didn’t Know, IU

3. Shy Boy, Secret

4. Maximum, DBSK

5. The Man Opposed, Dalmatian

Top 5

this weeks Top 5 belongs to;

  1. VVIP/ What Can I Do, Seungri
  2. Keep Your Head Down, DBSK
  3. Bad Guy, Joo
  4. Supa Luv, Teen Top
  5. Rainy Days, One Way

Re-Doing the Site

nothing major guys, but surely more profiles (Sistar, Rainbow, Dalshabet, Infinite, Teen Top), fully edited pictures for the original profiles, and the site in general is going to be a lot cleaner/neater. so please be patient, might be done over the next two weeks since i have midterms coming up(:

-Sujung (:

The Top 5

i found a new interesting thing i’ll be doing every Sunday/Monday, and it’s called The Top 5. it’ll be my top 5 choices of songs that are currently being promoted. this weeks top 5 are,

1. Supa Love, Teen Top

2. Keep Your Head Down, DBSK

3. Shy Boy, Secret

4. High High, TOP&GD

5. Super Duper Diva, DalShabet




the only person who sees them is me.

if anything written badly on the site will be disapproved by me.

i don’t understand, do people honestly think i’ll allow these kinds of comments?


go somewhere else, haters.

Sumandu Awards!

haha, there were no polls or anything, but these were my choices of the best songs/groups of the year.

Best Song of the Year: (Counted by plays on my Music player, and to my actual likeness)

  1. Taeyang, I Need A Girl

Top Ten:

  1. IU, Good Day
  2. SNSD, Oh!
  3. BEAST, Breathe
  4. 2am, I Did Wrong
  5. SHINee, Lucifer
  6. Super Junior, Bonamana
  7. Son Dambi, Queen
  8. SE7EN, Better Together
  9. T-Ara, I Go Crazy Because of You
  10. Orange Caramel, Aing~

Honorable Mentions: (Songs that were close)

  1. Sistar, Shady Girl
  2. Sistar, How Dare You
  3. Secret, Madonna
  4. SNSD, RunDevilRun
  5. IU & Seulong, Nagging
  6. SHINee, Hello
  7. BEAST, Beautiful

Best Groups/ Solos:

  • Female,  SNSD and Rookie, Sistar
  • Male, BEAST and Rookie, S.M. The Ballad
  • Solo Female, IU
  • Solo Male, Taeyang (Sol)


hey everyone! i really appreciate you all commenting and requesting so much, it’s really fantastic! but i’m so out of kpop right now, it’s been hard to focus on your needs! so i’m very sorry that i don’t post a lot of new group’s profiles, and other things. i’ll try to get a lot out within october and november. and sistar and rainbow will be the next coming profiles. i thank you all for your support and patience!

Sujung (:

Who Do You Want To Have A Profile

i made this poll so that people can vote for who they would want to have a profile, the one with the most votes will be top priority.

please vote once! (: